Team Lead: Gabriel Ortiz
General Members: Jeffrey Price, Logan Wessel, Bryan Pope, Daniel Rolwes
The payload team is in charge of building the payload device that meets NASA requirements. This year, the payload device is required to withstand all of the launch and landing forces and then push a camera out of the payload bay and take pictures of the landing site.
Deliverables this semester include a fully constructed payload device, completed code for the payload design, the FRR package, the FRR Addendum, the Payload Demonstration Flight, and finally the PLAR.
The goal of the payload is to have it complete the specified mission by NASA. This semester, the team is working towards having the payload design built by 3/10, having the code completed by 3/17, having the payload design tested by 3/24, and completing the Payload Demonstration Flight on 3/25. Then the payload team has the goal of having the payload device complete all of its required tasks at the NASA Student Launch Competition.
progress 2023 spring semester
The payload team completed the entire payload in the spring 2023 semester in preparation for competition. The team iterated with new 3D printed payload bodies, completed the code for the mechanical attributes of the payload, and tested and received radio signal. Overall, the team developed a payload that could perform all of the needed functions required by the NASA Student Launch Competition handbook.